If you are planning to buy your own flat in Guwahati, the most promising city of Assam, there is a great opportunity to buy your own 2 BHK and 3 BHK flat in Dwarka Nagar,
Bormotoria, Guwahati without any brokerage. There are total six units for sale including both the 2 BHK and 3 BHK.
The salient features of these flats have been explained in the coming paragraph below.
You can contact Mr. Manish Roy on his mobile number +91 7002786123.
You can text him a message on whatsapp by clicking on the line below.
Now, let's have a bird's eye view of this flat for sale in Bormotoria, Guwahati !
What are the amenities that these flats for sale in Bormotoria, Guwahati offer ?
These flats are located in Bormotoria which is itself one of the most promising location of Guwahati.
Flats are located on the ground floor and on the first floor.
2 BHK Flats are available in two dimensions : 800 sq.ft and 900 sq.ft.
3 BHK Flat have the spacious dimension of 1000 sq.ft.
East facing for meeting Vastu compliance.
Nearby places of communication:
1) Downtown Hospital
2) SixMile Flyover Bridge
3) VIP Road
5)Bus Stand
Opening Price of the flats
4500/-per sqft(+)2.5Lacs(parking,
transformer and legal fees)