OWNER 6290037304
S Sikder
Name : S Sikder
Address: Rani Harshamukhi Road
Near Kheyali Park
Kolkata - 700002
Bengal .
Contact: 6290037304
We recommend that you should drop a message on whatsapp by clicking anywhere on the line below to Sikander Sir!
Rent : 16 K per month
Deposit : 50K
Features and Amenities offered;,
3 Bedrooms.
Property at ground floor .
Locality having families only.
Located very close Post Office ,School , SBI Bank , Masala 21 Restaurant, Lockgate Flyover , Market and and property facing park.
Property have 24 hr Tala Tank municipality water supply.
24 hrs electricity.
1 open parking space .
Now, let's have a bird's eye view of this House!